About Us

Started as part of
The Premium Tobacco Group

Biomass growing started as part of Premium Tobacco as the company needed a sustainable alternative to native wood fuel to cure tobacco, in order to help reduce African natural forest denudation.

Greener Future

It was soon realized that the biomass we were growing had a number of additional green applications apart from sustainable fuels, and the company, Viridium, was born as part of the broader Premium Group. A relationship was developed with the innovative UK based Terravesta Ltd. to help develop the premier biomass crop, Miscanthus, in Africa.

Bio-degradable Packaging
& Carbon Credits

Apart from bio-fuels, the company is undertaking research into the development of green and products such as bio-degradable packaging form sustainable sources and the generation of carbon credits.

Executive Management

Philip Mainetti

Mr. Mainetti currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of The Premium Group: Corporate Strategy and Diversified Operations. Mr. Mainetti previously served as Executive Vice-President and Managing Director of Premium in Tanzania, since the inception of the company there in 2008.

Prior to joining the Premium Tobacco Group, Mr. Mainetti held various senior management roles in the leaf tobacco and tobacco manufacturing sectors. He has over 30 years’ experience in the industry and has worked in Africa and Asia.