Afforestation Vision

To establish large scale woodlots for generating alternative sustainable fuel, timber utilization & carbon banks eligible as carbon credits

Expansion Plans


In discussion with the Government to lease 5,000Ha of ex-sisal plantation in Morogoro, to be leased for 99 years

Tanzania – Alternative option

To purchase sisal estates for sale in Tanga region


Options are being pursued to lease land, both arable and forest and to negotiate the management exiting commercial forests’ carbon credit capability

Identify Optimal
Tree Variety

Six vareties have been selected in Tanzania to undertake suitability trials

  • Forest Red Gum (Eucalyptus Tereticornis)
  • Ecoflora (Paulownia)
  • Red African Mahogany (Khaya Anthotheca)
  • White Teak (Gmelina Arborea)
  • Pod Mahogany (Afzelia Quanzensis)
  • Black Wattle (Acacia Mangium)

Project Options


Large scale plantations to be utilized as a “carbon bank” in order to generate carbon credits, to be sold on carbon credits trading platforms


Large scale planation to be utilized as a “carbon bank” and harvested after a pre-determined period for timber


Large scale plantation for the sole usage of wood fuel


There is ongoing planning to identify the blend of options that will result in both the optimal “green” impact and also delivery sound and sustainable financial returns